The Health Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is the insertion of needles to distinct body points that helps people feel healthy and improves bodily function. It promotes natural healing and aids pain and suffering. It has been shown in research that acupuncture can relieve pain and even reduce nausea and vomiting after surgery and chemotherapy.
How Acupuncture Works
Some don’t understand how acupuncture works. Our bodies have energy channels called meridians that flow through the body to nurture and irrigate bodily tissues. A trouble within the flow of these energy channels is similar to a dam that backs up in others.
Meridians can be acted upon by needling acupuncture points. Acupuncture needles loosen the obstructions at the dams and restore the regular flow of the meridians. Therefore, acupuncture treatment helps in balancing the body’s internal organ functions such as digestion, absorption, energy production, and the cycle of energy through the energy channels.
According to Reaves Chiropractic (in River North, Chicago), acupuncture treatment energizes the nervous system to discharge chemicals in the brain, muscles and spinal cord. The enhanced energy and biochemical balance brought by acupuncture leads in arousing the body’s natural healing abilities and in advocating physical and psychological well-being.
Seven Ways Acupuncture Improves Your Well-Being
Pain Reduction. Acupuncture sessions work on eliminating causes of chronic lower back pain, arthritis, and other chronic pains. Patients can therefore experience overall physical wellness and natural healing.
Better Sleep. Acupuncture benefits people who suffer from insomnia and other sleeping disorders. Instead of taking medications which mostly have negative side effects on other bodily systems, the best way of treating such conditions is the treatment of acupuncture.
Addiction Treatment. Acupuncture also benefits people who are fighting chemical addictions, such as alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, and drug addiction. Acupuncture, combined with traditional treatment options, can help addicts overcome their struggle once and for all.
Whole Body Health. One of the best benefits of acupuncture therapy is that it exerts a holistic method of treatment. Acupuncture takes care of all health problems and disorders. Needling the acupuncture points helps in eliminating all of the possible causes of certain diseases and heals the patient effectively.
Increased Energy, Reduced Anxiety. Some people do not suffer from any disease but frequently encounter a fall in energy levels due to strain and anxiety. These people can benefit a lot from the acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture makes patients feel free from stress and relieved from anxiousness.
Improved Immune System. Acupuncture strengthens the immune system and enhances the body’s blood circulation. Therefore, it helps patients in preventing diseases.
Headache Reduction. The treatment of acupuncture is completely beneficial to people who experience regular headaches and migraines. For some, it is just as effective as medications like ibuprofen.